Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding Children at Woodlands Park Nursery – Information for Parents
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of each child.
We work within the framework of the Children’s Act 1989 and the Children’s Act 2004 which promote interagency working to safeguarding children.
We keep an accident book so that parents can be told of any minor accidents the children may have had during the day.
Please tell a member of staff about any bruising, injury or accident that your child has had outside of Woodlands Park. It is in your child’s best interest that we are aware of these matters; we are concerned not only with their learning but also their well-being.
If information is shared in an open and honest way between parents and staff then many concerns can be resolved quickly.
If we feel that further information is needed we are required to report our concerns to social services. This is not an accusation but a request for clarification. We will always speak to you about this, unless we have a serious concern of significant harm or sexual abuse, in these situations we will seek advice from social services in the first instance.
We aim to provide a safe environment for all the children and your cooperation on all aspects of this is very important.
If you are concerned about the wellbeing of any child or suspect the child is being, or is at risk of being neglected, physically, emotionally or sexually abused DO NOT KEEP THESE CONCERNS TO YOURSEL, please speak to your child’s key person or a senior member of staff at the nursery.
Here are the clickable buttons for accessing the requested documents:
Access our Safeguarding Policy
View our Safeguarding Statement
View Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Read the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage