The maths curriculum at Woodlands Park ensures that children are allowed the time and space necessary to enable them to make sense of the world they are growing up in. Practitioners ensure that all children have access to daily direct teaching and a range of meaningful child initiated mathematical experiences in the learning environment. We seek to find ways to ensure the Mathematics curriculum is presented in a way that challenges children and promotes confidence and success, whilst also encouraging a positive attitude to Mathematics. The breadth of content includes facts and skills, as well as processes and understanding. We recognise that mathematics has a number of areas that are inter-related and cross curricular.
Staff understand the importance of first-hand experience and exploration, and many of the children’s experiences arise naturally through play and their interests. The learning environments are planned to provide practice, consolidation and extension opportunities. Staff provide opportunities to use Mathematics in contexts which are relevant and of interest to the children e.g. cooking, construction and role play.
Children use their knowledge and skills in these areas to solve problems, generate new questions, apply their understanding, and make connections across other areas of learning. We recognise the importance of stories, songs, and imaginative play in developing mathematical understanding and in encouraging children to enjoy experimenting and using numbers.
Children, formulating and asking questions is a foundation for problem posing and solving. Children’s and adults’ questions are valued and encouraged at Woodlands Park; questions challenge thinking and make way for the possibility of new learning and knowledge. When children ask questions, they are inviting new information into their world and they want to uncover more.
Engaging Activities in Our Nursery
Some of our play-based math activities are designed to develop these skills in an exciting way:
- Number Hunts: Exploring numbers hidden in the playground.
- Shape Detectives: Spotting shapes around the classroom.
- Building and Measuring: Creating structures with blocks to learn about size and balance.
- Sorting Games: Using natural objects, like leaves and stones, to sort by colour, shape, or size.
Useful Maths Resources for Parents
Explore these resources to extend your child’s math learning at home!
- BBC Bitesize – Early Years Math: Short videos and interactive games designed for early learners.
- Topmarks – Counting Games: Free counting games that help reinforce number skills.
- NRICH Early Years: A treasure trove of math ideas, puzzles, and interactive activities.
- CBeebies Numberblocks: Fun and educational episodes to introduce numbers and counting in an engaging way.
- National Numeracy Parent Toolkit: Tips and resources for supporting early math at home.
Supporting Your Child at Home
Math learning doesn’t stop at nursery! Everyday activities can become learning moments:
- Cooking together: Measure ingredients, count spoonfuls, and explore weight and volume.
- Sorting toys: Encourage sorting by colour, size, or type.
- Storytime: Talk about numbers and patterns in storybooks—many have hidden mathematical themes!