Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre

Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre


Welcome to Blue room (3-4 year olds)

Welcome to the Blue Room! We understand that starting nursery can feel like a big step and that you may have some worries. Change can be challenging, especially for young children, but we’re here to support you and your child every step of the way. Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Meet the team

Blue Room Team (3-4 years old) (ID 1097)


Key People and Family Groups

Your child will have a key person in the Blue Room who will be their “special person,” supporting their needs like nappy changes and collaborating with you to foster their learning and development. We value our relationships with parents and are here to support you, too! Key people work in family groups alongside another Early Years Key Person and an Early Years Assistant. If your child’s key person is away, a member of their family group will step in to care for your child.

Working in Partnership with Parents  

You, as a parent are your child’s first and foremost educator and we value your input into your child’s learning. We encourage you to share with your child’s key person any significant events and interests in your child’s life, which we can celebrate, extend and incorporate into our daily planning. You can do this verbally or you can write in your child’s communication books. Your key person will also write a small account of your child’s day in these books if they are on an early shift and won’t get to see you at the end of the day.

Settling in 

Children settle into nursery in different ways—some adjust confidently from the start, while others may feel nervous or anxious. Most children fall somewhere in between.

If your child has difficulty, please don’t worry; it’s natural for them to feel anxious or even upset about starting nursery. We understand that this can also be an emotional time for parents.

We’re here to support you and your child in whatever way works best. Please review the settling-in policy with your key person during group time so we can make this transition as smooth as possible.

Our Nursery Day 

8.00am - 8.20am Drop-off for Breakfast
8:30am - 8.40am Next drop-off
11:30am Pick up for morning session children/Lunch begins for full day children
12:30pm  Drop-off for afternoon session
3:30pm End of afternoon session and pick-up for afternoon and core day children
4:00pm First pick up for afterschool club 
4:30pm - 6.00pm  Second pick-up for afterschool club (with a fob access)


Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. and tea at 4:00 p.m. for those children that is staying. Breakfast is available from 8:00–8:20 a.m., with snacks provided in the morning and afternoon.

Menus, created by a dietician to ensure nutritious meals, are displayed in the foyer by the main kitchen. We try to sit children in their family groups, with personalised placemats showing their photo and dietary needs.

Please inform your key person of any dietary requirements or allergies so we can adjust meals as needed. We encourage independent eating and enjoy using mealtime for conversations about food and family traditions.

You can view our meal day schedule on the Menus and Food page. It is also displayed on the wall next to the kitchen nursery.

Golden Rules

Here at Woodlands Park we have a shared set of rules which we talk about with the children and sensitively encourage the children to follow:

  • We are kind and helpful.
  • We are gentle.
  • We listen to each other and the grown-ups.
  • We are honest.
  • We take care of our belongings.
  • We solve problems by listening to one another and using our words.
  • We always try our best.