Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre

Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre


Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium is extra funding that aims to improve outcomes for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds who are receiving the free entitlement to free education. Children who meet the criteria will be eligible for up to £342 per year.

We use this money to obtain additional staff and resources that help improve the quality of education. 

This past year the EYPP allocation at Woodlands Park was used to:

  • Cover 44% of costs of artist working in Blue Room one day a week (0.2).
    Our artist in residence plans a series of sessions which can be accessed by all children but which target children eligible for EYPP specifically. Over the year there have been a series of projects e.g. photography, sculpture or clay. These are followed by inviting the parent/carers to participate in workshops with their child. This intervention concentrates on listening, attention and speaking within a creative context.

Notable Interventions:

  • Photography Project
    Children explored the art of photography during a hands-on walk with parents and carers, capturing the world through their lens.

  • Green Screen Project
    In collaboration with Groundswell Arts, children and families experienced the magic of green screen technology, fostering imagination and teamwork.

  • Clay Workshops
    Interactive clay sessions encouraged creativity and fine motor skills, culminating in a collaborative parent-child workshop.

  • Sculpture Projects
    This initiative included a family trip to the Tate Modern, introducing children and their families to inspiring works of art while creating their own.

  • Music Specialist Sessions
    Led by the talented Logan Bros, these sessions brought music to life, nurturing rhythm, expression, and joy in learning.

EYPP 2023-2024 Statement