Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre

Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children's Centre


Emergency Closure Procedures

The Senior Leadership Team will always endeavour to keep the Nursery and Children’s Centre open at all times, but there may be occasions when closure is unavoidable. The Centre will remain open unless:

• The health and safety of pupils and staff are compromised;

• There are insufficient staff in attendance to manage the school safely;

• There is significant damage to premises, or failure of essential utilities;

• Adverse weather conditions dictate early closing

Information regarding an urgent closure is sent to all parents so that parents/carers know when and where further information can be found.

In an emergency, the following steps will be taken:

• The decision to close will be made with the support of the Chair of Governors.

• A text message will be sent out to all parents who are currently registered on our text messaging system. The message will go out to the telephone number which has been designated as the primary contact number(s).

Please ensure the office has been notified if you have recently changed your number.

• Parents will be asked to collect their child/ren by a certain time.

• Nursery staff will remain with the children until all the children have been safely collected. If parents and carers cannot collect their child at all then they must call Reception (0208 802 0041) to inform the Centre who will be collecting your child/ren on your behalf.

• Telephones will be monitored closely if we have to close the school.

If the school will not be open:

• Parents will be given information about arrangements for re-opening the Centre by text message. Further details will be emailed as soon as feasibly possible or when the school has more information to share with families.

• Information will always be posted on the homepage of the Centre's website.

• In some circumstances the Centre may operate reduced hours or limit the space available. This maybe because there are insufficient staff to maintain statutory ratios or because particular areas are not safe to be used.

• If the Centre is closing because of adverse weather conditions (such as snow), parents will be informed by text message by 7.15am (where possible).