Curriculum Impact
At Woodlands Park Nursery School, we look holistically at the impact when we measure our curriculum on each child’s learning.
- We prepare all children for the next stage of their education.
- All groups, including our children with special needs and EYPP, make excellent progress from their starting points, across all areas of the EYFS.
- By monitoring Tapestry observations, teachers quickly identify any gaps in their knowledge of children’s learning. This means that prompt interventions can be planned to ensure expected progress is made by all children. By the time children leave Woodlands Park, gaps between the attainment of groups of children are closing rapidly or have closed. The progress of disadvantaged pupils matches or is improving towards that of other pupils.
- The children are interested and motivated to learn and will ask questions and make predictions and comments on the world around them.
- The proportion of children making and exceeding expected progress in literacy and maths is high, irrespective of their starting points.
- We have a strong policy around supporting children’s transitions and this important work is emphasised throughout the centre and carefully thought through, ensuring we put the needs of the child at the centre of the process.
- Our children leave us feeling valued and listened to. They are confident to ask questions and will listen to others. They will know how to be kind and expect others to be kind to them.
- They will be happy to have a go and show a good level of resilience if things ‘go wrong.’
- They will understand the behaviour expectations in a range of contexts. The literacy rich environment at Woodlands fosters a love of books, story-telling and early reading for children.
- Teaching meets the learning needs of the children. Our monitoring shows that the sessions are indeed planned to match the learning needs of each group and that children are engaged and make progress each session.
- Children can tell a range of stores and understand how stories work. They understand rhyme and alliteration and use both in their interaction, they are starting to form some recognisable letters and some children are able to write simple words phonetically.
- Children leave us in a state of ‘school readiness.’ This means they have strong language skills and can use them to express their needs, make choices and share their interests. They use a wide and expressive vocabulary to make connections and confidently share their ideas with others. They demonstrate good listening skills in a range of contexts.